Tvørávegur 37
Postboks 80
800 Tvøroyri
Tlf. 611085

Information event at SALT á Drelnesi in Tvøroyri on Sunday, september 12th.

Foreigners living in Suðuroy are invited to an information event at Salt á Drelnesi in Tvøroyri on Sunday, September 12th at 14:00 in relation to Faroese as a second language course for non-Faroese speakers starting in the fall.


The purpose of the information event is to inform about Faroese as a second language program, which is based on the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR) and what possibilities foreigners have on learning Faroese, society, and culture as well as how and where you can sign up for the Faroese as a second language program.

The language program begins at the end of September for a duration of 15 weeks. It is possible to sign up on the day of the event and meet and greet the teachers.

At the event, two representatives working with integration from the Faroese Immigration Office will attend, David Im, integration coordinator, and Durita Kastalag, integration officer.

They will present a short presentation about their work and the type of integration services available for you to use. They will also set a time for discussion where participants can ask questions or share their concerns or issues at the September 12th event.

There will be beverages, snacks, and music at the event.

The event is about two and a half hours long (2hours and 30 minutes).

Please send an email or give a call if you can attend.

TLF: 587975

Yours respectfully,

Lív Næs, director of evening school in Tvøroyri  and co-ordinator of Faroese as a second language in Suðuroy and Majken Gaard, Jóna Christiansen and Juanita S. Holm teachers in Faroese as a second language.

Umsitingin, Tvørávegur 37, Postboks 80, 800 Tvøroyri - Tlf. 611085 -